SSIS FTP Task - The variable "xxx" doesn't contain file path(s)

  • I am using the File System Task to rename a file. Once it's renamed I need to FTP that file. When I put my variable in the FTP task I get

    The variable "User::FileLocation" doesn't contain file path(s)

    When I look at the variable after running the package the variable shows the full file path of the file along with file name.


    I cannot figure out why the FTP task can't grab this file. I have to get this working today it's my last day onsite.. Please help!:crazy:

  • tdanley (8/29/2014)

    I am using the File System Task to rename a file. Once it's renamed I need to FTP that file. When I put my variable in the FTP task I get

    The variable "User::FileLocation" doesn't contain file path(s)

    When I look at the variable after running the package the variable shows the full file path of the file along with file name.


    I cannot figure out why the FTP task can't grab this file. I have to get this working today it's my last day onsite.. Please help!:crazy:

    The only reason i can think of is that the file really doesn't exist at that path or the process exectuing the package doesn't have proper permissions to access that file.

    give a try with some sample from some other location,

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