SSIS for each loop

  • I have just set up an SSIS package similar to this

    I have 5 connections in a SQL table which i want to loop through, set each string to be a connection string in the package (variable ConnString) and run a select to pull back information and store in a central table.

    The package runs successfully and connects to 5 instances, but it connects to the same instance each time, my local one which is set as the value for variable used for the connection string.

    How is the Connection string supposed to get passed from the @SourceList variable to the @Connstring variable? Its clear what the problem is, as the results of my query as step one which pulls back all 5 strings just isnt getting populated from @SourceList into @Connstring one by one. Any ideas??

    SSIS package =

    1) SQL Task - Select connection strings from SQLTable and store results in @sourcelist

    2) for each loop - ADO Enumerator, rows in first table @Sourcelist

    3) data flow task within the loop - OLE DB Source, dynamic connection as connection manager, running the query i want from a variable, with the destination set to my central database.

  • In the ForEach Loop properties, have you mapped the ConnString column of your @Sourcelist result set to your @Connstring variable. Is the @Connstring variable used to set the value of the Connection String property of your connection manager?


  • I think there's a step missing from that tutorial. You need to go into the Variable Mapping tab in the ForEach loop container and map the connection string variable to Index 0 of the collection.

    Example shown here:

  • Thanks! I knew i was missing something - now to complicate things further 😀

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