SSIS Control flow shows red X, but Data flow and Progress tabs show no errors

  • I'm trying to do a simple data copy from 1 server to another. I've done this in other .dtsx files and have had no problems. This .dtsx file was working, but when I went to run it again, I got an error I don't understand.

    I'm running it task by task in by right clicking on the item in the control flow and choosing Execute Task.

    The Prep task which truncates the old tables works great.

    The Data flow task copies 2 tables from 2 different servers into the new location (on a single server). Each table is written completely (no missing records) The Progress shows no problems and looks identical to a run that works when I run it exactly the same way, but from a different .dtsx file.

    What can cause the red X on the control flow task, but green checks on the data flow items?


  • I gave up and recreated the data flow component from scratch and it worked.


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