SSIS and Raw files

  • You can use the RAW File Destination to write your update lines to a RAW file.

    But I think it won't give monstreous performance gains above a (global) temp table.

    But I'm not really a performance guru. Does anyone else have a clue about this?

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  • What is the syntax to pass a raw file variable to sql parameter

  • What are you trying to do exactly??? I thought u just wanted to update your table.. using a raw file

  • this is all part of the same package, what I trying to do is delete a record in a table relating to the raw file record, the sql query iam using is:-


    Iam not sure how to the refernce the raw file parameter (?)

  • Do you see columns that you need in the Raw Source "Column" tab.. if yes then its a simple task

    connect your raw source to OLE DB Command and then in the OLE DB.. Specify the connection in the connection managers tab... write sql

    (Delete from tablename where ColumnName = ?) and then in the Column Mappings tab you will see Input columns and Param columns..

    Input Columns is the list of all available input columns from Raw Source and Param columns is the paramater column that you specified in the SQL

    Map the Parameter column to the input column and press O k .... NOTE: the datatypes of the columns must be same

    Execute the package...

    hope this helps

  • use a DATA FLOW inside use RAW FILE SOURCE put the file route, then use OLE DB Command, create the relationship, then, double click in the OLE DB COMMAND and in the tag Componet properties in SQLCOMMAND Put your UPDATE statement like:

    Update table1 Set a = ? where b = ?

    each ? is a parameter, go to the tag column mapping and give value to each parameter.


  • Using Command in a data flow task will not give very good performance. I think what you can do is, split the data into Insert, Update and Delete streams using Conditional Split. Insert data can directly go in the destination table.

    Store the Update and Delete rows in temporary tables. Then outside the data flow task, in control flow, you can use Execute SQL tasks to Update and Delete rows based on information in the temp tables.

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