SSIS 2008R2 : Unable to browse configuration file in a Sql Server job.

  • Hi all,

    I made a SSIS package on a développement  server . I deployed it using manifest file in folder :

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Packages.

    Two files are stored in a the package subfolder --> package file (.dtsx) and the configuration file (.dtsconfig)

    See image attached (SSIS_FILES.JPG)

    So , I wanted to test my package using Sql Server Job(see SSIS_JOB.JPG) but when I tried to browse configuration no file appears(see SSIS_BROWSE_ISSUE.JPG) ??

    For information , I use sa account to buid this test job.

    Any ideas ?

    Thank you in advance.




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  • Please do not use C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Packages

    If you have to use C drive, create C\:DBA\SSIS folder and give sql server agent permission to it

  • Thank you very much.

    It solves this issue.

    For my own understanding , could you explain the reason why it is not recommended to store packages in this folder ?

    Is it related to the securioty rights  ?

    Is this folder reserved to Sql Server processes ?

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