ssis 2008 r2

  • I have been using the import and export features of sql server 2008 r2 every time I need to load and/or extract data from the database.

    However, I am wondering if you can tell me the following:

    1. How do you save the SSIS package that you just executed and where is the package saved to?

    2. Once you want to run the SSIS package, how do you execugte the package you saved?

    3. Also if SSIS is not working on sql server 2008 r2 database that I have access to, what do I need to do get get ssis running on the database?

  • In the wizard there is a checkbox for saving it or not. Yo then have to choose between saving it in SQL Server or the file system. If you choose the file system, you are prompted for a location. You should be able to right-click on the package in the file system and open it with the Package Execution Utility.

  • Regarding point 3: open the package using BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio), run it and see where it fails. Fix it 🙂

    This is only possible if you don't use Express to create the SSIS package.

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