SSC Fantasy Football 2024

  • Placeholder for 2024.


    1. $100
    2. $75
    3. $50


  • I'm happy to play again this year



  • 4th place in 2023.  So close, yet so far!

    I'm in for 2024!

    Check out my blog at

  • Thank you everyone for a great season again.

    Count me in for this year.

    Congratulations to the winners.


    "El" Jerry.

    "A watt of Ottawa" - Gerardo Galvan

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  • Just got an email that the league has been autorenewed!  Although, strangely, Yahoo won't let me into it for some reason.

    Anyone else experience this?  And are we ready for 2024?

    Check out my blog at

  • I logged in and saw the league just fine this week

  • All, I have hung up my DBA boots and taken (slightly) early retirement. I will be spending quality time with the family, walking on the beach (5 minutes walk away) and visiting as many of the castles in Wales that I possibly can. As such, I don't think I can commit to keeping a team updated week on week, and I find it disappointing when matches are played and players are left in on bye weeks. If you can find a replacement, please give them my place, if not, let me know and I'll return to make the numbers up and do my best. I have really enjoyed being part of this group and am sorry that Steve was the only one of you I got to meet at SQLBits.

    Good health and a long life to you all.


  • Congrats, Paul. I'll reach out to see if anyone is interested.

  • Paul, it has been a pleasure and a privilege being in the league with you!  Best of luck, and keep in touch!

    Check out my blog at

  • I would be interested in playing.

  • Daniel, send a PM to SQLDCH with your Yahoo ID so he can invite you

  • Daniel, send a PM to SQLDCH with your Yahoo ID so he can invite you

  • Ugh -- finally got my Yahoo! to work.  Apparently it doesn't like it when I log in with my actual email address and not with my Yahoo account.

    Check out my blog at

  • sent my yahoo account.

  • So sorry to see you go, Surfer.  Enjoy your next adventure, though...and maybe stay in touch =p

    Daniel, I sent an invite and pasted an invite link in our DM, please respond here when you're in.


    Draft day is same as always, 9am PST on September 2 (Labor Day).  Looking forward to another fun year!

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by  SQLDCH.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.

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