SSAS tabular account impersonation

  • Hello,

    I'll try my best to summarize the problem and I hope someone can offer me a hand with this.

    The Enviroment:

    • 2 Domains (let's call them domain_1 and domain_2)
    • Server1 (it is joined to domain_1)

      • This server has SQL Server and SSAS
      • SSAS has a domain account set up on the service

    • Domains have a Trusted relationship (Two ways)
    • My account is SSAS administrator and belongs to domain_1


    The problem:

    Before 20-Nov users from both domains could consume the SSAS cubes. That day the trusted relationship between domains was lost and recovered (as I was told, it was something related to an expired password...), since then any user from domain_2 cannot consume SSAS the way they did.

    A simple test:

    case 1 --> I Open SSMS with my account and connect to the SSAS with no problem, nothing new 🙂

    case 2 --> I Open SSMS as a user from domain_2 and connect to the SSAS with no problem a all.

    case 3 (this should be the one that shoudl work and it is not working ) --> I Open SSMS With my account and use "EffectiveUserName" (Additional connection parameters) property to impersonate an account from domain_2.


    Case 3 is how PowerBI Service Live connect works behind the scenes as far as I understood.


    Again thanks for any tip or help on solving this.



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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