SQLSERVERAGENT error in event log

  • I have configured a peer to peer replication in a windows server 2003 with sp1 and sql server enterprise edition with sp2 in both servers

    and it is working fine, but when i checked the windows event viewer --> application log i get this error:

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: SQLSERVERAGENT

    Event Category: Alert Engine

    Event ID: 318

    User: N/A


    Unable to read local eventlog (reason: The parameter is incorrect).

    Can someone please tell me how can i fix this !!!

  • Hello,

    Does the following Microsoft KB Article relate to your issue:-



    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • I was read this article but it didn't fix my problem.

    I forget to tell you that i'm using sql server 2005 enterprise edition with sp2.

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