sqlserver installation issue

  • Hi

    In my system i have installed sql2000 and sql2005

    if i open sql 2005 in new query select @@version it is showing sql2005 (8.0....)

    how can i see sql2000 and sql2005 versions of sqlserver at a time in new query

  • Hi,

    As you had installed both sql2k and sql2k5 in your system. One might be the default instance and another one as named instance. And at a time you can get connect to only one sql server.

    [highlight=#ffff11]if i open sql 2005 in new query select @@version it is showing sql2005 (8.0....)[/highlight]

    This is entirely false as when you run select @@version for sql 2000 it shows you as sql2000 (8...)

    and for sql2005 it shows you sql2005 (9..) as for sql2000 the version starts with 8.0... and for sql 2005 it starts with 9.0... and not sql2005(8.0...) as you had said.

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • i found the solution

    my system admin installed both sqlserver 2000 & 2005 as default instances

    thats why iam getting above issue right

    if iam wrong please clear

  • Hi Karan,

    You are totally wrong. Even if you system admin tries to install both as default instances sql server wont let you. Run the below query on both the instances

    select serverproperty('InstanceName')

    if it returns null then it is default instance otherwise it returns the name of the instance if it is a named instance.


    Chandra Mohan N

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Hi chandra thanks for u r suggession

    if i want to install ss 2000 & 2005 on one windows box

    q) can i install both as default instance


    if open ssms in new query

    i checked select @@version

    iam getting 8.0(i.e sqlserver2000)version only

    please claryfy my dougt

    if i was wrong pls correct

  • karan457 (3/19/2009)

    if i want to install ss 2000 & 2005 on one windows box

    q) can i install both as default instance

    no you cant. If you install 1 as a default instance the other would have to be a named instance. Why not un install everything and re install creating 2 named instances that clearly identify the sql2000 and sql2005 instances


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Guys,

    you cannot install 2 different version with default instance. Please check BOL. SQL would not let you do that. So fo you. You have to uninstall both sql and then install again. make sure to install sql 2000 first. you can make it default if you want or make it named. after sql 2000 installation is done you should install sql 2005 installation as named instance.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

  • i am agree 100% with umar iqbal, he is right

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