
  • I found recently sqlcmd is missing on my computer. It used to be there.

    Not sure what happened.

    I don't have SQL server installed on my computer, but just SSMS. Does the install of SSMS also install SQLCMD by default.

    What could be a reason it disappeared.

  • I can't speak to why it's missing but you can download the SQLCMD utility from Microsoft's website.

    SSMS does have SQLCMD mode, when you're in a query window, click Query at the top of the screen, SQLCMD Mode is in the drop-down menu.

  • Thanks, yes, I know I can do a separate download.

    But just wonder if install SSMS by default also installs sqlcmd.

    I had SSMS 18.4 installed (newest) , but apparently the sqlcmd is not available.

    I cannot find a button of sqlcmd button in SSMS either.

    What is looks like? I remember long time ago I saw it before.

    Is it supposed like this for the new version of SSMS?



  • I don't have a button for it either in the newer version. This is how I got to it. You have to have a query window open to get the Query option to show up at the top of the screen.


  • Thank you,  found it.

    And I can run in sqlcmd mode in ssms.

    But if I run in comand line, it still gives the error: sqlcmd is not recognized as an internal or external program.

    And I searched in binn folder I don't see there is a sqlcmd.

    So I guess install SSMS from microsoft site does not install SQLCMD.exe. Correct?


  • I'm downloading SSMS now on my personal computer. Hang tight.

  • It looks like SQLCMD is not included in SSMS 18.4. I upgraded from a previous version which is likely why I still have it on work computer.

  • Thank you!

    I will remember that if I just install SSMS, will also install sqlcmd separately.


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