Sql Statement

  • I have 3 tables:

    Employee (EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName)

    Project(ProjectId, Name)

    EmployeeProject(EmployeeId, ProjectId)

    I need to find out the employees who have worked for all the projects in the PROJECT table (just ONE select statement).

    Thank you

  • Try this

    select EmployeeId from EmployeeProject group by EmployeeId having count(*) >= (select count(distinct ProjectId) from Project)


    Is it what you want


    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • Just another option.

    First Off I am assuming ProjectID is Unique in Project and ProjectId is Unique per EmployeeId in EmployeeProject (meaning an employee can only be associated once).

    However if the design changes later to add say a role for employee per project this will still allow full flexibility for that.




     dbo.Employee E






       dbo.EmployeeProject EP


       dbo.Project P


       P.ProjectId = EP.ProjectId

      GROUP BY



       COUNT(DISTINCT EP.ProjectId) = (SELECT COUNT(IX.ProjectId) ix_proj FROM dbo.Project IX)

    &nbsp OX


     OX.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID


    The previous will not be flexible for tht scenario but as long as never occurrs will be fine but I would use = instead of >=.

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