SQL Server Pivot Table on two columns renaming one column

  • I've the following source table:

    | Id | GroupName | RuleName | RuleText | RuleValue |
    | 1 | Group1 | Exclude1 | Excluded (Reason1) | 1 |
    | 1 | Group1 | Exclude2 | Excluded (Reason2) | 1 |
    | 1 | Group1 | Exclude3 | Excluded (Reason3) | 1 |
    | 1 | Group1 | Include1 | Included (Reason1) | 1 |
    | 1 | Group1 | Include2 | Included (Reason2) | 1 |
    | 2 | Group1 | Include1 | Included (Reason1) | 1 |
    | 2 | Group1 | Exclude4 | Excluded (Reason4) | 1 |

    I need to unpivot/pivot the table to:

    | Id | GroupName | Exclude1 | Exclude2 | Exclude3 | Exclude4 | Include1 | Include2 | Exclude1RuleText | Exclude2RuleText | Exclude3RuleText | Exclude4RuleText | Include1RuleText | Include2RuleText |
    | 1 | Group1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL | 1 | 1 | Excluded (Reason1) | Excluded (Reason2) | Excluded (Reason3) | NULL | Included (Reason1) | Included (Reason2) |
    | 2 | Group1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | 1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | Excluded (Reason4) | Included (Reason1) | NULL |

    I can't quite figure out how to rename the columns.  I must be bit dense today.


  • Just a simple crosstab should do it

    SELECT Id, GroupName,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude1' THEN RuleValue END) AS Exclude1,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude2' THEN RuleValue END) AS Exclude2,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude3' THEN RuleValue END) AS Exclude3,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude4' THEN RuleValue END) AS Exclude4,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Include1' THEN RuleValue END) AS Include1,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Include2' THEN RuleValue END) AS Include2,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude1' THEN RuleText END) AS Exclude1RuleText,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude2' THEN RuleText END) AS Exclude2RuleText,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude3' THEN RuleText END) AS Exclude3RuleText,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Exclude4' THEN RuleText END) AS Exclude4RuleText,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Include1' THEN RuleText END) AS Include1RuleText,
           MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = 'Include2' THEN RuleText END) AS Include2RuleText
    FROM MyTable
    GROUP BY Id, GroupName
    ORDER BY Id, GroupName;



    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • I forgot to mention, the column list is not fixed, its dynamic.  Your solution only works for a fixed column list.

    This is what I started with, but haven't found a way to include the RuleText.

    -- Drop source table if it exists
    IF ( OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SourceTable' ) IS NOT NULL ) DROP TABLE [#SourceTable] ;

    -- Create source table
    CREATE TABLE [#SourceTable]
    [Id] INT NOT NULL ,
    [GroupName] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ,
    [RuleName] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ,
    [RuleText] VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL ,
    [RuleValue] INT NOT NULL
    ) ;

    -- Populate source table
    INSERT INTO [#SourceTable]
    ( [Id] , [GroupName] , [RuleName] ,[RuleText] , [RuleValue] )
    ( 1 , 'Group1' , 'Exclude1' , 'Excluded (Reason1)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 1 , 'Group1' , 'Exclude2' , 'Excluded (Reason2)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 1 , 'Group1' , 'Exclude3' , 'Excluded (Reason3)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 1 , 'Group1' , 'Include1' , 'Included (Reason1)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 1 , 'Group1' , 'Include2' , 'Included (Reason2)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 2 , 'Group1' , 'Include1' , 'Included (Reason1)' , 1 ) ,
    ( 2 , 'Group1' , 'Exclude4' , 'Excluded (Reason4)' , 1 ) ;

    -- Variables used.
    DECLARE @pivotColumns NVARCHAR(MAX) ;

    -- Dynamically retrieve the columns names for the pivot
    SELECT @pivotColumns = COALESCE( @pivotColumns + ',' , '' ) + QUOTENAME( [RuleName] )
    FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT [RuleName] FROM [#SourceTable] ) AS src ;

    -- SQL to query to get pivoted data
    SET @sqlQuery = N'SELECT * FROM '
    + N'( '
    + N' [Id] , '
    + N' [GroupName] , '
    + N' [RuleName] , '
    + N' [RuleValue] '
    + N' FROM [#SourceTable] '
    + N') t '
    + N'PIVOT( MAX( [RuleValue] ) '
    + N'FOR [RuleName] IN ( ' + @pivotColumns + ') ) AS p' ;

    -- Execute SQL query to get pivoted data
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlQuery ;
  • You'll need a dynamic crosstab

    -- Variables used. 
    DECLARE @sqlQuery     NVARCHAR(MAX) ;
    DECLARE @sqlQuery1     NVARCHAR(MAX) ;
    DECLARE @sqlQuery2     NVARCHAR(MAX) ;
    SELECT @sqlQuery1 = (
    SELECT ',MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = '''+RuleName+''' THEN RuleValue END) AS '+RuleName+'
    ' AS "text()"
    FROM #SourceTable
    GROUP BY RuleName
    ORDER BY RuleName
    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('./text()[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    SELECT @sqlQuery2 = (
    SELECT ',MAX(CASE WHEN RuleName = '''+RuleName+''' THEN RuleText END) AS '+RuleName+'RuleText
    ' AS "text()"
    FROM #SourceTable
    GROUP BY RuleName
    ORDER BY RuleName
    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('./text()[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    -- SQL to query to get pivoted data
    SET @sqlQuery = N'SELECT Id, GroupName'  
                    + @sqlQuery1
                    + @sqlQuery2
                    + N'FROM #SourceTable
    GROUP BY Id, GroupName
    ORDER BY Id, GroupName;' ;
    -- Execute SQL query to get pivoted data
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlQuery ;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • This is what I finally used:


    CREATE TABLE #DataSource
    [ID] INT
    ,[GroupName] VARCHAR(12)
    ,[RuleName] VARCHAR(12)
    ,[RuleText] VARCHAR(32)
    ,[RuleValue] BIT

    INSERT INTO #DataSource ([ID], [GroupName], [RuleName], [RuleText], [RuleValue])
    VALUES (1, 'Group1', 'Exclude1', 'Excluded (Reason1)', 1)
    ,(1, 'Group1', 'Exclude2', 'Excluded (Reason2)', 1)
    ,(1, 'Group1', 'Exclude3', 'Excluded (Reason3)', 1)
    ,(1, 'Group1', 'Include1', 'Included (Reason1)', 1)
    ,(1, 'Group1', 'Include2', 'Included (Reason2)', 1)
    ,(2, 'Group1', 'Include1', 'Included (Reason1)', 1)
    ,(2, 'Group1', 'Exclude4', 'Excluded (Reason4)', 1);

    DECLARE @DynamicTSQLStatement NVARCHAR(MAX);
    DECLARE @DynamicSelectColumns NVARCHAR(MAX);

    WITH DataSource ([RowID], [RowValue]) AS
    SELECT DISTINCT 0, [RuleName]
    FROM #DataSource
    SELECT DISTINCT 1, [RuleName] + 'Text'
    FROM #DataSource
    SELECT @DynamicSelectColumns = STUFF
    SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME([RowValue])
    FROM DataSource
    ORDER BY [RowID], [RowValue]
    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    SET @DynamicTSQLStatement = N'
    SELECT *
    ,CAST([RuleValue] AS VARCHAR(32))
    FROM #DataSource
    ,[RuleName] + ''Text''
    FROM #DataSource
    ) DS ([ID], [GroupName], [column], [value])
    MAX([value]) FOR [column] IN (' + @DynamicSelectColumns + ')
    ) PVT

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @DynamicTSQLStatement;

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