SQL Server Management Studio, do we need this?

  • Hello All,

    As we are upgrading to SQL2005 with unattended installation I came across several situations for SSMS.  I have seen that SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio) is not installing from unattended installation and I tried by adding SQL_Tools90 parameter in .ini file and then it is installing the SSMS.  But I have a question, do we really need SSMS on the Database Server?  IF needed, for what purpose do we need to have installed on Database Server?

    I am just wondering, like for editing DTS connections and creating Generic Key from DTSRunUI.exe in SQL2000 we need to have Enterprise Manager installed on Database Server. Here in SQL2005, we have SSIS (Integration Services) and for that only one Service is running and development of DTS/SSIS will be done on client side (Business Intelligence Tool). I am not sure about Management Studio that when and how can we use this tool on Server itself?

    Thanks in Advance



  • If you manage your SQL Servers from workstations then install SSMS on your workstations and there is need to install SSMS on the server.

    If you manage your SQL Server by a remote desktop, terminal or remote control server, then you will need SSMS on the server.

  • Yes Joseph.  I use to work in either way from Workstation or connecting remotely to Database Server and open Management Studio on server itself.  My Questions is whether do we need Management Studio installed on Server itself.  If you setup LogShip or Database Mirroring, we need to work from Server itself that's what I heard that you have to setup from Server itself means we need to have Management Studio installed to work around. And I am also looking for other things that necessary or not necessary.


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