Sql Server Configurations

  • How can we verify that two of the server configurations are same or not?

    what setting needs to be consider?

    I have Server A and Server B.

    Is there any script to compare the differences b/n those two servers

  • This is very broad sense. What exactly you would like to compare?

    To start with comparing the output of two server in xls. You can execute sp_configure to get the detail configuration. Check if advance option is on to get all the configuration. Also you can check the system and user database settings by executing query on sys.databases. You can also check the users and permission, jobs, other sql server features in use etc.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • similar to what was already suggested, you can start by comparing the results of

    SELECT * from sys.configurations order by NAME

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