SQL Server Certification

  • Hello Everyone, I am looking to Microsoft SQL certification by online, which resource is better, I have go through some courses like:

    1. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA): Database Fundamentals Certification

    2. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): SQL Server 2012/2014 Certification

    3. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): SQL 2016 Business Intelligence Development Certification

    Can anyone suggest me which is good for me, I have strong knowledge in SQL but I want certification in Sql server. Any suggestion?

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  • Hi Arjun,

    As and every certification has there own importance and are important as per their level, Few of them are for beginner and few of them are for advanced developers.

    The first one which you asked for beginner, the Second one is for Associate level, the Third one is also for associate level, and the fourth one is also for associate level, You can check each and everything from Microsoft and know more detail about the certification, Contact through my user name.

  • If you already have a strong knowledge of SQL you can skip the MTA, I took it a couple years back and its  very much for beginners.   If you want to get certifications to show your knowledge look up a path that suites your role for the MCSE .. you'll start with MCSAs like you mentioned above then there are additional tests you can take to get your MCSE.

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