SQL Server 2017 Remote BLOB Storage

  • I've been reading about SQL Server RBS for about a day and feel that it would be an ideal solution for our needs. Considering we are storing very large files in our database using varbinary(max) data type. My question here is, are we able to utilize our existing storage array for storing our files? My understanding is that SharePoint takes advantage of RBS, so I would think the answer to my question would be yes. However, I'd like some additional insight regarding RBS

  • Yes you can use it in 2017. You need to get the RBS.msi from the SQL Server 2017 feature pack. I think it may also be on the installation media. From there how you use it depends on the provider - a lot of storage vendors have their own providers. There is a blog post for SQL Server 2016 but it's essentially the same with 2017 other than downloading the 2017 feature pack instead of 2016:

    Remote Blob Storage (RBS) client library setup requirements in SQL Server 2016

    Other than the setup, it's really about the provider. You can write your own, there are links to some samples in the above blog post. But you'd likely want to start checking for providers. Start by asking your storage vendor.


  • Sue, thank you. Also, are we able to just utilize Microsoft Windows Server as the provider? For instance, utilize Storage Spaces Direct?


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