SQL Server 2012 - SSIS Project Deployment Model Miscellaneous files not being deployed

  • I have an existing project that I have added a simple text file. I am using the Project Deployment Model for this project. I save the project, close it and open the project and the file is there under the Miscellaneous folder. I successfully deployed the project to the server. When I retrieve the project using the Integration Services Import Project Wizard, all of my package modifications are there and the packages up to date but the txt file I added to the Miscellaneous folder is not there.

    Is there something I am missing?

    Any help would be great!

    Tito Rodriguez

  • Just read this from Microsoft documentation:

    Project Deployment

    At the center of the project deployment model is the project deployment file (.ispac extension). The project deployment file is a self-contained unit of deployment that includes only the essential information about the packages and parameters in the project. The project deployment file does not capture all of the information contained in the Integration Services project file (.dtproj extension). For example, additional text files that you use for writing notes are not stored in the project deployment file and thus are not deployed to the catalog.

    So here is the followup question...how does one include a txt file as part of the project deployment.

  • I had the same question. Is there a way for SSIS packages using the project deployment model to reference files from the Miscellaneous folder. Because dtsx files are painful to compare with source control tools, we have a bunch of packages that are using external SQL files for some of the more complex transforms/loads. But the SQL files aren't deployed to the catalog.

    With the package deployment model it looks like a deployment utility can be built that would bundle up those files. Is there a way to get a similar result with project deployment?

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