SQL Server 2008 on Virtual Server 2005?

  • I tried and could not get SQL Server 2008 to install on a Virtual Server 2005 machine. The documentation does not address VS2005, only Hyper-V (at least what I reviewed). I was using the eval edition.

    Has anyone had any success, maybe with the express or the earlier CTP releases?

    I'd really rather not have to build up a new machine for it.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • I don't see how it could know the difference from a virtualized server and a physical one. It should work - the install should not stop you. It is not supported by MS at this time.

    I have it running on a Win2003 server Virtual PC 2007 and I have not had any issues. I'm pretty sure this environment is unsupported also.

  • Super. then it must be some other isseus. Thanks

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

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