SQL SErver 2005 security questions

  • Good morning,

    I have been approached recently for a client project that uses sqlserver2005 as the db backend. The client was looking to do the following:

    - disable the SA account after the application, with associated sqlserver database, has been installed

    - disable mixed mode authentication, only allowing sql logins


    My questions are:

    1) What is the impact of disabling the SA account? i.e. do MS patches use the SA account for upgrades?

    2) is there a good way to script an authentication mode change?


    Thank you for your help

  • 1) I've always had the SA account disabled and had no trouble, MS patches use your local login, or one you specify for the update.

    2) You can't disable windows authentication, the most you can do is limit which users can access the DB via windows authentication (eg, just to local admins and the sql service account)

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