Sql server 2005 - rename cluster to an old cluster name

  • We have a sql 2005 cluster on W2K8 cluster. It is a named instance say SRV1\A. Then I built a new W2K8 (with a diff cluster service name) but the same service account. Then I installed a new sql 2005 cluster say SRV2\A. Now when I bring down the sql server resources on SRV1 and try to rename SRV2\A to SRV1\A through the cluster admin, I get the error the network name already exists. I have tried bringing an old cluster and installing a new cluster with the same name and it works. Why am I not able to rename the name? Any advice would very helpful.

  • Hi I would not recommend the course of action that you are taking, messing around with cluster network names etc is fraught with dangers. If you need to be able to use different network names for an instance create a DNS alias and have that point to the instance you require, this makes it alot easier and alot more supportable.

  • Rename SRV1\A to SRV1\C and then rename SRV2\A to SRV1\A. Try if this works

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