SQL Server 2005 Minimum hardware requirements

  • Hello there,

    Can anyone tell me where I can find out what the minumum hardware requeirments for installing SQL server 2005?


  • Do you have a copy of SQL 2005 and are curious before you install it?  If so, that info is available from the autorun menu when you insert the CD, or if you downloaded the build it will be in your extracted directory.  If not, then do this:

    For Express or the full SQLDEV edition, go to this link and download the documentation MSI file.  Once installed, you'll see a section in the help file called "Hardware and software requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005".



    Thx, Niko
    SQL Setup Test Team

  • There are some requirements but I have it running on a p11 450 with 512 mb ram and although it complains it works well enough for eval.  I seem to remember P111 800 + 1 Gb ram.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • It will complain as a warning, but won't block you.  The basic check for the Full edition is 1GHZ processor and 512MB memory, for there not to be a warning.  If either one is less, setup will just warn but not block you.

    Thx, Niko
    SQL Setup Test Team

  • Thanks for your responses. I think the 1GHZ processor check is what caused the problem!



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