SQL Server 2005 Enterprise to SQL Server 2008 Standard

  • Noob here.

    I have one server that has SQL Server 2005 Enterprise on it.

    Is it true that I can't "upgrade" this instance to SQL Server 2008 Standard?

    What is my best solution for doing this?

    Can I just do an "install" of SQL Server 2008 Standard on this server and port the databases over manually?

    If I do, the instance name would have to be different on the 2008 instance. If after I get everything ported, can I remove the 2005 instance and then rename the 2008 instance to the name of the server and be the default instance?


  • The most important features differences in SQL Server editions is in BI stack and replication, if you are not using both install the 2008 standard and move databases and objects.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks, so i should no problem with having the name of the 2008 instance being the machine name when I'm done?

  • If remember correctly name of instance is not relevant because since 2000 days some shops only installs named instances. And in 2005 you could change the name of the instance as needed. So run tests with the migration in a test box resolve issues then migrate.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Check these links How to Upgrade to SQL Server 2008



    I hope these links might be helpful

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