SQL SERVER 2005 Compute DATE

  • Hello Sir, Madam

    How are you doing? My name is Joe and this is my first time to use this service to ask questions which relate to SQL Server 2005. I don’t know where to post my question, so I decide to come here and email you. If this is a wrong place to post the question, please guide me to know where I should go to post for question on your site and view the question that I have been posted.

    My question is: If I have a table which has only one column, it contains “Date” only and each date cell of the column represents number of records that have been entered into the database. If I wish to write code to pull out and count the number of records have been entered the database for each week and showing the total number of records show at the bottom of all weeks.

    Thank You Very Much


    Since this is my first time to go to this site and I'm new to this service or new to SQL SERVER 2005, would you please send a respond to my email FBI1971US@yahoo.com

    Thank You

  • Not sure which forum you should have posted this to, but as a "newbie" I'd like to start by having you read the first article I have linked below in my signature block. The information provided in the article will help you when asking for help.

    Second, we really need to see the DDL for your table and some sample data. Again, the article will help you with posting the information I just asked for you to provide.

    And welcome to the site!

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