SQL Security

  • Hi,

    If the organization has different teams - one for DBA, one for Developer/BI developers, how should i set the users up in sql server - what permissions should I assign them?

    eg: Team A - 4 members (wearing 3 hats at the same time)

    All members were doing DBA, DB Developer, BI duties. So they were set as sysadmin

    Now we have Team A - 2 members (DBA duties only), Team B - 3 members(DB Developer/BI duties only)

    how should i set the SQL server permissions in SQL 2000, 2005 & 2008 R2?

    Please let me know regarding this.



  • Team A clearly still needs sysadmin rights.

    Now come the questions about Team B:

    Are they developing across all DB's or are they divided among DB's?

    Do you have dedicated Dev/QA/Prod environments? If yes, then I don't have an issue with granting sysadmin for the Dev environment, but for Prod I believe the DBA should be doing the deployment so they only need regular user rights in Prod. QA is a bit of a sticky-wicket as it could go either way. I'd lean towards limited rights in QA as well, but more than in Prod.

    What's management's stance on changing security? Are you going to have the support you need to enforce these changes?

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply.

    We don't have a QA environment separately. The Dev environment acts as the QA environment too.



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