SQL Replace Command help required

  • Hi

    I am Part of a Car Club and volunteering to help where I can. The Club has ask me to do some volunteer work on the database, they would like me to go to table and rename all the words "Holden with GM" howver if it reads Holden Elizabeth or Elizabeth Holden not to touch. There are 480 rows in the database and only know the basic sql, still learning it. City is Adelaide. Its a Microsoft SQL Server 2016

    The Table is called CARS

    The column where these name is called Car Club, this is what it looks like.

    Car Club

    Holden Seaton - Seaton --------------------------------------- GM Seaton - Seaton

    Holden GlenOsmond - GlenOsmond--------------------------GM Glen Osmond - Glen Osmond

    PeterHead Holden - Peterhead----------------------------------PeterHead GM - PeterHead

    South Side Region Holden - South------------------------------South Side Region GM - South

    Elizabeth Holden - Elizabeth---------------------------------Elizabeth Holden - Elizabeth

    Holden  Elizabeth - Elizabeth South-------------------------Holden Elizabeth - Elizabeth South

    This what I have so far

    Update Cars

    Set Cars Club=Replace(Cars Club,'Holden','GM') and City=Adelaide

    where Cars Club!='Elizabeth Holden' or 'Holden Elizabeth'

    Not having much luck so far..please help




    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  hajduk1908.
  • Change you where clause to use like and wild cards instead of an equal sign.  Also use and instead of or in the where clause:

    WHERE [Cars Club] NOT LIKE '%Elizabeth Holdem%' AND [Cars Club] NOT LIKE '%Holdem Elizabeth%'
  • Thankyou but for some reason still seeing the output as '0' in the column Im trying to change in my test database

  • Can you write a small script that creates your table, insert some data and show us the results that you expect to get?  It would help us make sure that we are talking about the same thing and anyone that tries to help you would also be able to check his solution


  • Did you correct the spelling mistake in Adi’s script?


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Update Cars

    Set Cars Club=Replace(Cars Club,'Holden','GM') and City=Adelaide

    where Cars Club like ‘Holden’

    and not (Cars Club like '%Elizabeth Holden%' or Cars Club like 'Holden Elizabeth')

    Code for TallyGenerator

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