SQL Query Required

  • Dear All

    As per my request I have following input table

    Create table #FirstTable(

    StudYear int,

    StudValue varchar(20),

    SGPA float


    insert into #FirstTable values('1','Value1','5.6')

    insert into #FirstTable values('2','Value2','4.5')

    insert into #FirstTable values('3','Value3','3.2')

    insert into #FirstTable values('4','Value4','8.5')

    insert into #FirstTable values('5','Value5','6.5')


    I want Out put in following table structure

    Create table #OutputTable(

    StudYear int,

    StudValue varchar(20),

    SGPA float,

    PreviousYearSGPA float


    insert into #OutputTable values('1','Value1','5.6','5.6')

    insert into #OutputTable values('2','Value2','4.5','5.6')

    insert into #OutputTable values('3','Value3','3.2','4.5')

    insert into #OutputTable values('4','Value4','8.5','3.2')

    insert into #OutputTable values('5','Value5','6.5','8.5')

    select * from #OutputTable

    Thank You



  • This is very easy to achieve using the LAG function

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