SQL query on existing query results

  • Hi there

    I have a query result (sub-query) and want to refine it more with another query. I'm trying the group by method

    SELECT         d.fstrFormattedID as FormattedID, ar.fstrStreet, lic.fstrStatus, a.FSTRJURISDICTION , inv.flngNumItems as Decals, a.fstrFuelType, inv.flngInvoiceKey

    dbo.tblReturn AS b ON a.FLNGDOCKEY = b.flngDocKey AND b.flngVer = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblIftaCarrier AS lic ON b.flngAccountKey = lic.flngAccountKey AND lic.flngVer = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblACCOUNT AS c ON lic.flngAccountKey = c.flngAccountKey LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblAccountInfo AS d ON c.flngAccountKey = d.flngAccountKey INNER JOIN
    dbo.tblAddressRecord AS ar ON ar.fintProfileNumber = d.fintProfileNumber INNER JOIN
    dbo.tblAddressProfile AS ap ON ap.fi64AddressKey = ar.fi64AddressKey AND c.flngCustomerKey = ap.flngCustomerKey LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblInvInvoice AS inv ON d.flngAccountKey = inv.flngAccountKey
    WHERE (d.fstrFormattedID = 'BC300740040') AND (b.fstrDocType = 'BC.RTFTA') AND (YEAR(b.fdtmFilingPeriod) BETWEEN YEAR('2021-07-09') - 3 AND YEAR('2021-07-09')) AND (a.fblnSurcharge = 0) AND (YEAR(inv.fdtmFilingPeriod)
    = YEAR('2021-07-09')) AND (ar.fstrAddressType = 'BSN') AND (ar.fblnActive = 1) AND (ar.fblnCurrent = 1)
    GROUP BY a.FSTRJURISDICTION, d.fstrFormattedID, inv.flngNumItems, ar.fstrStreet, lic.fstrStatus, a.fstrFuelType, inv.flngInvoiceKey


    This gives:

    FormattedID     fstrStreet  fstrStatus     FSTRJURISDICTION  Decals  fstrFuelType  flngnvoiceKey

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  AB                                   1               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  AB                                   4              D                        1115951104

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  AZ                                   1               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  AZ                                   4              D                        1115951104

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  BC                                   1               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  BC                                   4              D                        1115951104

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  CA                                   1               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  CA                                   4              D                        1115951104

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  CO                                   1              D                       981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1          A                  CO                                  4               D                      1115951104


    I'm trying to get the result: still group by a.FSTRJURISDICTION, sum the decals with one FSTRJURISDICTION / line

    FormattedID     fstrStreet  fstrStatus     FSTRJURISDICTION  Decals  fstrFuelType  flngnvoiceKey

    BC300740040  ADDR1         A                  AB                                 5              D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1         A                  AZ                                 5               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1         A                  BC                                 5               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1         A                  CA                                 5               D                        981143552

    BC300740040  ADDR1         A                  CO                                 5               D                       981143552

    Of course, with each different fstrFormattedID, the data values will obviously be different, but with the same repeating pattern

    Any suggestions appreciated

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by  Calvin.
  • Any time this combination of values changes, you will get a new line. So pare down the fields in your select and group by until you only get what you want. There are different flngnvoiceKey values for the same juristiction so you get 1 line for each flngnvoiceKey

    GROUP BY   a.FSTRJURISDICTION, d.fstrFormattedID, inv.flngNumItems, ar.fstrStreet, lic.fstrStatus, a.fstrFuelType, inv.flngInvoiceKey
  • Alternately, you could use windowing functions to sum the decals column like:

    SUM(decals) OVER (PARTITION BY a.FSTRJURISDICTION, d.fstrFormattedID, inv.flngNumItems, ar.fstrStreet, lic.fstrStatus, a.fstrFuelType)

    Not ideal as you will get 1 line for each flngnvoiceKey, but should give you the results you are looking for.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • Thanks for your reply homebrew01

    Yes, I have been doing that and see how it turns out

  • Thanks for your reply as well Mr. Brian Gale

    I was thinking about that approach too

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