SQL Query Modification

  • Hi All,

    I need the below query to be modified to get the results of 100 records. As of now I get only 1 result.



    CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) = 0 THEN concatenated_column ELSE SUBSTRING(concatenated_column, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) - 1) END AS first_common_word,

    CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column, CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) + 1) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE SUBSTRING(concatenated_column, CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) + 1, CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column, CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) + 1) - CHARINDEX(' ', concatenated_column) - 1) END AS second_common_word

    FROM (


    (SELECT Description + ' ' FROM RawDataDescriptions FOR XML PATH('')) AS concatenated_column

    ) AS t

    WHERE concatenated_column LIKE '% %'

    ORDER BY LEN(concatenated_column) - LEN(REPLACE(concatenated_column, ' ', '')) DESC


  • Just to get you back on track ...

    How many rows do you expect from your nested select(s) ?

    SELECT Description + ' ' FROM RawDataDescriptions FOR XML PATH('')) AS concatenated_column

    and why are you using "for xml path" in this query ?


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  • 100 results

  • I want to find the top 100 1st words and 2nd second words in a cell in a column

  • This is a tricky query.  You have 2 separate aggregations for which the results are then LEFT JOIN'ed by rank.  What I'm not understanding in my own code is why the WHERE clause in the 3rd CTE is necessary.  Hunh?  It seems like it should work without the line:

        where word2 is not null

    But it counts the nulls for some reason.  Afaik this code returns the correct results

    drop table if exists #title_one_space;
    select * into #title_one_space from (values
    ('one word')
    ,('one word two words')
    ,('one word two words three words')
    ,('two wood two words')
    ,('two wind two words three words')
    ,('car wood two words')
    ,('tree wood two words three words')
    ,('four word two words three words four')) v(title);

    words_cte as (
    select *
    from #title_one_space tos
    cross apply (values (charindex(' ', tos.title))) v(ndx_spc1)
    cross apply (values (iif(v.ndx_spc1=0, title, substring(title, 1, v.ndx_spc1-1)))) frst(word1)
    outer apply (values (nullif(substring(tos.title, v.ndx_spc1+1,
    charindex(' ', tos.title, v.ndx_spc1-len(frst.word1))), ''))) scnd(word2)),
    frst_cte as (
    select top(100) word1, count(*) w1_count, row_number() over (order by count(*) desc) rn
    from words_cte
    group by word1
    order by count(*) desc),
    scnd_cte as (
    select top(100) word2, count(*) w2_count, row_number() over (order by count(*) desc) rn
    from words_cte
    where word2 is not null
    group by word2
    order by count(*) desc)
    select frst.rn, frst.word1, frst.w1_count, scnd.word2, scnd.w2_count
    from frst_cte frst
    left join scnd_cte scnd on frst.rn=scnd.rn;

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  • 100 results is incorrect !

    due to your query:

    SELECT Description + ' ' FROM RawDataDescriptions FOR XML PATH(''))

    it produces 1 row !

    test it with the data of  Steves example:

    SELECT title + ' '
    FROM #title_one_space FOR XML PATH('');

    How many rows?


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