• ALTER PROC prodTool.CalculateTaxablePrice

    --@productId int,

    --@taxablePrice decimal = 0


    --IF(EXISTS(Select PackageID FROM ProductPackage WHERE PackageID =41806))


    DECLARE @sumPhysical int

    DECLARE @sumAllProducts int

    WITH ProductTaxable(ProductOption, DeliveryType, UnitPrice, ProductID)


    (SELECT ProductOption, DeliveryType, UnitPrice, p.ProductID

    FROM Product p INNER JOIN

    ProductPackage pp

    ON p.ProductID=pp.ProductID

    WHERE pp.PackageID=41806

    AND pp.OprionProduct>=0


    WITH PysicalProductsTable(UnitPricePhysical)


    (SELECT (CASE WHEN ProductOption=0 THEN SUM(UnitPrice)

    WHEN ProductOption > 0 THEN MAX(UnitPrice) ELSE NULL END) AS UnitPricePhysical

    FROM ProductTaxable WHERE DeliveryType=1

    GROUP BY ProductOption


    WITH AllProductsTable(UnitPriceAll)


    (SELECT (CASE WHEN ProductOption=0 THEN SUM(UnitPrice)

    WHEN ProductOption > 0 THEN MAX(UnitPrice) ELSE NULL END) AS UnitPriceAll

    FROM ProductTaxable

    GROUP BY ProductOption


    SELECT @sumPhysical=SUM(UnitPricePhysical)

    FROM PysicalProductsTable;

    SELECT @sumAllProducts=SUM(UnitPriceAll)

    FROM AllProductsTable


    This procedure is giving following errors:

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure CalculateTaxablePrice, Line 39

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WITH'.

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure CalculateTaxablePrice, Line 53

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WITH'.

    Help Appreciated.

  • I'm pretty sure you only need 1 with statement.

    Take out the others.

  • To create a common table expression (CTE) the last statment prior to the CTE must be closed off with a semi-colon, in your case:

    DECLARE @sumAllProducts INT ;

    And, you don't need to use the key word WITH over and over again. I cleaned up the query this way:

    ALTER PROC prodTool.CalculateTaxablePrice

    --@productId int,

    --@taxablePrice decimal = 0

    AS --IF(EXISTS(Select PackageID FROM ProductPackage WHERE PackageID =41806))


    DECLARE @sumPhysical INT

    DECLARE @sumAllProducts INT ;

    WITH ProductTaxable(ProductOption, DeliveryType, UnitPrice, ProductID)

    AS (SELECT ProductOption




    FROM Product p

    INNER JOIN ProductPackage pp

    ON p.ProductID = pp.ProductID

    WHERE pp.PackageID = 41806

    AND pp.OprionProduct >= 0



    AS (SELECT (CASE WHEN ProductOption = 0 THEN SUM(UnitPrice)

    WHEN ProductOption > 0 THEN MAX(UnitPrice)


    END) AS UnitPricePhysical

    FROM ProductTaxable

    WHERE DeliveryType = 1

    GROUP BY ProductOption



    AS (SELECT (CASE WHEN ProductOption = 0 THEN SUM(UnitPrice)

    WHEN ProductOption > 0 THEN MAX(UnitPrice)


    END) AS UnitPriceAll

    FROM ProductTaxable

    GROUP BY ProductOption


    SELECT @sumPhysical = SUM(UnitPricePhysical)

    FROM PysicalProductsTable ;

    SELECT @sumAllProducts = SUM(UnitPriceAll)

    FROM AllProductsTable

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thank you very much i appreciate your support.:)

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