Sql QUERY Help

  • GilaMonster (1/9/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (1/9/2009)

    hmmmm, something missing I am. No data I see in the insert statements.

    It's do-it-yourself sample data. Values at the top of the post, insert statements at the bottom. 😛 😀

    That I think not. Too many data columns for data shown above, unless nulls for most of the values.

  • Lynn Pettis (1/9/2009)

    GilaMonster (1/9/2009)

    It's do-it-yourself sample data. Values at the top of the post, insert statements at the bottom. 😛 😀

    That I think not. Too many data columns for data shown above, unless nulls for most of the values.

    Details, details... 😉

    I'm going to bed, maybe it'll make sense in the morning.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hey Rathna,

    I have tried to condense what you need to do below.... Pls post the output after running the select query.

    There may be too much data: just post the first 10 to 20 lines that make sense.

    We have this info now: No need to do anything

    CREATE TABLE #Product


    [ProductID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Levels] [varchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL,

    [ProductName] [varchar](200) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL,

    [ProductGroup] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL


    CREATE TABLE #OrderDetail


    [OrderID] [int] NULL,

    [ProductID] [int] NULL,

    [Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_OrderDetail_Quantity] DEFAULT ((1))


    Send us the output from these now:


    + QUOTENAME(ProductID,'''')+','

    + QUOTENAME(Levels,'''')+','

    + QUOTENAME(ProductName,'''')+','

    + QUOTENAME(ProductGroup,'''')

    + ' UNION ALL'

    FROM Product


    + QUOTENAME(OrderID,'''')+','

    + QUOTENAME(ProductID,'''')+','

    + QUOTENAME(Quantity,'''')

    + ' UNION ALL'

    FROM OrderDetail

    How To Post[/url]

  • GilaMonster (1/9/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (1/9/2009)

    GilaMonster (1/9/2009)

    It's do-it-yourself sample data. Values at the top of the post, insert statements at the bottom. 😛 😀

    That I think not. Too many data columns for data shown above, unless nulls for most of the values.

    Details, details... 😉

    I'm going to bed, maybe it'll make sense in the morning.

    Way I know to keep you up, need email address however.

  • Results of Above query:

    SELECT '39495','PREL1','CFA Book','PREL1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39496','1','Flashcards (Palm Pilot Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39497','2','Flashcards (Palm Pilot Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39498','3','Flashcards (Palm Pilot Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39499','1','Flashcards (Paper Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39500','2','Flashcards (Paper Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39501','3','Flashcards (Paper Version)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39502','1','Flashcards Bundle (Palm and Paper)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39503','2','Flashcards Bundle (Palm and Paper)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '39504','3','Flashcards Bundle (Palm and Paper)','CFA' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10003','39542','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10004','39542','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10005','39541','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10006','39500','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10006','39542','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10007','39536','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10007','39541','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10007','39499','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10008','39542','1' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10009','39536','1' UNION ALL

  • The query below should give you all the orders that have products from more then 1 group.

    with myCTE(orderId,ProductGroup, groups_bought)


    (select orderId

    , ProductGroup , count(ProductGroup) groups_bought

    from #OrderDetail detail

    inner join #Product prod

    on prod.productid=detail.productid

    group by orderId,ProductGroup


    select * from myCTE

    where groups_bought>1

    How To Post[/url]

  • I want to show on report where any body ordered

    CFA &FRM Ordered Together that means they can order any number on this combination.

    CAIA & CFA Ordered Together that means they can order any number on this combination.

    CAIA & FRM Ordered Together that means they can order any number on this combination.

    So that I will exclude this records from the report

    Thanks for Helping me out.

  • Ok, this is my final version:

    create table #tmp(orderId int, ProductGroup varchar(50));

    --insert into #tmp(orderId , ProductGroup , groups_bought)

    with myCTE(orderId,ProductGroup, groups_bought)



    select orderId

    , ProductGroup , count(ProductGroup) groups_bought

    from #OrderDetail detail

    inner join #Product prod

    on prod.productid=detail.productid

    group by orderId,ProductGroup


    insert into #tmp(orderId , ProductGroup)

    select orderId

    , ProductGroup from myCTE

    where groups_bought>1

    select a.orderId, a.ProductGroup

    from #tmp a

    inner join #tmp b

    on a.orderId=b.orderId


    (a.Productgroup='CFA' and b.ProductGroup='FRM')


    (a.Productgroup='CAIA' and b.ProductGroup='CFA')


    (a.Productgroup='CAIA' and b.ProductGroup='FRM')

    In the absence of proper data (the 'select' that you sent me was almost useless - there was only one single

    matching record between the 2 tables), I am "hoping" this is what you need.

    The end result set is only those orders where there is no limit on the number of items they may place an order for.

    How To Post[/url]

  • Go it now .

    Below is the query i just tweaked it more.

    with PG as (Select Distinct OD.OrderID, P.ProductGroup

    from OrderDetail OD join Product p on P.ProductID = OD.ProductID

    where P.Productgroup not in ('MISC', 'PREL1'))

    Select distinct



    from Orders O

    join PG as A on A.Orderid = O.OrderID

    join PG as B on B.OrderID = O.OrderID and B.ProductGroup <> A.ProductGroup


    and not (A.Productgroup in ('CFA', 'FRM') and B.ProductGroup in ('CFA', 'FRM'))

    and not (A.ProductGroup in ('CAIA', 'CFA') and B.ProductGroup in ('CAIA', 'CFA'))

    and not (A.ProductGroup in ('CAIA', 'FRM') and B.ProductGroup in ('CAIA', 'FRM'))

    and not (A.ProductGroup in ('CFP_AcCFP', 'CFP_EPR') and B.ProductGroup in ('CFP_AcCFP', 'CFP_EPR'))

    Thank you Very much for your support

    I appreciate that.

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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