• I suggest you look at loading your data into MSAS. Pivot table services is designed to work directly with MSAS. Some caveats:

    - Pivot table services won't let you create calculations. You'll need to support any in the cube.

    - If you're only looking for simple sums, you should be able to get it running PDQ. However, expect to do some investigation around any complex calculations. (Post to the Business Intelligence forum for help.)

    - Plan on augmenting your data (additional attributes) to really get this going. People do funky things in Excel via VLOOKUPs, etc., that are best solved by adding data.

  • I use a free business intelligence product from http://www.numberGo.com called Publisher. It has an excellent Pivot table and allows you to import direct from most databases, Excel, CSV and others. I don't know if this helps but you can even import from a Enterprise SalesForce.com account.

    Anyway as far as I know the only limit in their pivot table is by memory. I've import 700,000 rows from a database before and was able to pivot it with no problem.

    The feature I like best is to chart my pivot table I just had to right click on my field and BAM! I had charts.

    Typically I import from my Excel files but I import direct from our database as well.

    Well that's my 2 cents worth. I hope it helps.

  • Hi Folks,

    Even me getting the same error.

    If i suppose the sample data as (considering CR and LF as usual.






    Febuary Sunday200



    JuneThursday 154

    And my expected o/p(8 cols) was

    Month Sunday Monday Tuesday & so on........




    & so on




    I referred the LineageID of Months(i/p) to Months(o/p)

    & LineageID of Expenses to all 7 o/p columns except Months.

    And the exact error i came across are

    1) [Pivot_Expenses [30]] Error: The pivot key value "Day_Of_Week" is not valid.

    2) [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Pivot_Expenses" (30) failed with error code 0xC0202090 while processing input "Pivot Default Input" (31). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

    Could you please point out my missings?

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