sql agent starting

  • I'm having a problem. I can't start sqlagent service on a server. It is using a domain account, the domain account is a local administrator and the builtin\admin group has not been deleted from sql. This is a 2005 sql server running on windows 2003, sp1 has been applied and the 2135 build hotfix has been applied.

    The error message that occurs when I try to start the service from the os is

    sql service agent has started then stopped. Services sometimes stop when there is nothing for them to do.

    Anyone got any ideas, I'd appreciate it. I reapplied the service pack and the hot fixes and I would prefer not to reinstall sql if I don't have to.


  • Anything in the SQLAGENT or ERRORLOG logs?

    Did you set the service account using Mgmt Studio (as opposed to Service Manager in Windows)?

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

  • nothing in the error logs (no sqlagent out log), I used the sql startup and windows service startup and configuration manager startup.

  • Anything in application/system log?

    Did you install SSL or enable encription?

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • no encryption, no ssl, reporting services is not running.

    Just a plain jain install, domain account, just about everything but reporting services enabled.

    Just found out data protection manager won't run on this box either, I'm beginning to think something went wrong with the os upgrade and this has nothing to do with sql but any opinions or impressions would be more than welcome.




    I think the error message said it all. And is not actually an error. Some services like SQLagent, Performance Counters and logging actually stop if there are not jobs, or actions to be performed.

    If you would like to test, just create a job in SQL agent and see if it runs or not, don't make any assumptions.


  • Just as a footnote- you can't start a sql agent job if it's not running. Sqlagent service should be continuously running. We called microsoft. Turns out the sql uninstall doesn't work as advertised. It left some pointers to the wrong drive and corrupted the mapi session on the server. Evidently sql agent still reads the mapi profile even though it doesn't need it anymore. After cleaning the errors out, the sql agent started. When you uninstall 2005, get rid of all the folders and registry entries as well as running the install, the microsoft uninstall is very sloppy. Live and learn.



  • For cleanup you can follow the following KB article...

    How to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually



    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • thanx- it's good to know for next time.


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