SQL Agent missing in SSMS

  • When I log into an account with Sysadmin role I can see SQL Agent.

    I set up a user to have SQLAgentOperator Role, but when they log in they cannot see SQL Agent. I am running SQL 2016 Enterprise Edition.

    What am I missing? I don't want to give them sysadmin. They are currently a DBOwner of their DB and the Agent Role.

  • Forgive me if I'm wrong (it's been many years since I was a DBA) but I believe they would also need at least public access to the msdb database.

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  • By giving their user name the Role which is in the MSDB database they should have access to it.

    On another note, I found this post here http://www.handsonsqlserver.com/how-to-grant-view-only-permission-to-users-to-see-sql-server-agent-jobs-and-read-only-access-in-all-databases/ which mentions a few things. I tried the following

    USE master


    GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE to [username]

    That did not work.

    However, if I followed it up with

    USE msdb


    EXECUTE sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'SQLAgentOperatorRole', @membername = [username]

    They all of a sudden see SQL Agent.

    So if I do the script with GRANT first and ROLE Member afterwards it works. If I reverse it and add the ROLE member first and GRANT afterwards, user fails to see SQL Agent.

    I don't recall ever having to GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE, so not sure why this is required.

  • If you are not granted the needed permissions, you will not be able to see the Agent. You can grant the individual roles to the users: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188283.aspx

  • If you read my previous email, you would see I did grant the role in the link you sent. Even after the role was granted they could not see SQL Agent. I even granted ALL 3 roles to no avail. Solution was to do the GRANT VIEW.

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