SQL 2016 Merge replication issues

  • Last week, I ran into two merge replication related issues:

    For non-production, it's SQL 2016 to SQL 2016 merge replication, one schema change(a new column) was unable to replicate from publisher to subscriber. I had to reinitialize the subscriber with a new snapshot to get the replication article in sync.

    On production, it's SQL 2016 to SQL 2008 merge replication, one row was changed on subscriber, but failed to replicate to the publisher. I made another change on that row, then it's replicated to publisher without any issue.

    Anyone ran into similar issues? I didn't have any issues from 2013 to 2019. This occurred only after distributor/publisher was upgraded to SQL 2016 from SQL 2008R2. Not sure if it's Microsoft product bug or I should contact MS product support, I won't be able to reproduce the issue for sure.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Replication will allow you to go only two version UP or DOWN


  • Your statement("Replication will allow you to go only two version UP or DOWN") is for transactional replication only. I mentioned it's Merge Replication, no such restriction on merge replication.

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