SQL 2016 install failure with mount points on a VM server

  • Hi,

    I have hit an issue attempting to install SQL2016 onto a VM server with mount points, where the install says there is not enough space on the drive, despite the mount point having plenty of room. Does anyone know what to check for this?

    The install error is:

    "Insufficient space available in directory E:\SQL_RND_01\MSSQL\Root. 3603MB is required for this feature, and 3603MB is required for all features on this volume. 996MB is available."

    The mount point configuration is:

    E:\ - Root drive, 995MB available.

    E:\SQL_RND_01 - Mount point with 100GB available.

    E:\SQL_SEQ_01 - Mount point with 50GB available.

    The install does not apply anything directly to the roots of the mount points, everything goes into the \MSSQL\... format, running the install via command lines and a configuration file makes no difference either.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Keith

  • Hmmm...no real resolution to this one that we found in the end, the only way around for us was to add on another drive (not a mount point) and install it onto there.

    Not quite what we were hoping for but if that is the way it is then that's what we have to deal with.

  • Hi Keith

    mount points are fully supported in sql server from 2005 onwards for both cluster and standalone usage.

    Is this a cluster install or standalone


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I've just completed a sql 2016 install using 2 mounted volumes, no issue.

    Can you post details of the data directories tab on your installation.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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