SQL 2012 Mirroring between Three Domains

  • Hi Experts,

    I am trying to establishing SQL 2012 Mirroring using high safety with automatic failover between two domains Domain A and Domain B.

    Principal and mirror servers are in domain A and witness server is in Domain B .

    Principal and mirror can communicate with each other . When i try to connect to witness server from principal server using SSMS using windows authentication method it gives me "cannot generate SSPI Context" error. I can connect using sql login but want to use windows authentication to connect. sql services are using servicve accounts to start on all the three servers.

    I try to check spn registration on all the servers and it comes up with

    "FindDomainForAccount: Call to DsGetDcNameWithAccountW failed with return value 0x00000525

    Could not find account servername.TEST.abc.def"

    I suspect the SPN is not registered for the three servers correctly. I dont have rights to set in Domain so i have to speak with domain admins.

    since i dont know much about domain so how should i let them know to fix this error ?

    Please advise as i havent done this before.

    thanks in Advance.


  • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/e2363a0b-913c-409f-b84e-c4d977044785/db-mirroring-in-sql-2005-2008-across-different-network-domains-

    Besides building trusted domains, you also could use certificates for database mirroring. Here is an example of setting up database mirroring using certificates:




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