Splitting a report by a column value

  • I have a report that needs to be spilt into multiple reports based on customer number. It should create seaparate pdf  files for each customer number.Is there a way to accomplish this in SQL server 2005 reporting services.



  • You could create a report that takes the customer number as a parameter, then have your application call this report for different customers and generate PDFs. Your application could pretty much be anything from a vbscript to a .net winforms application. There are many code examples on how to call RS repots from .NET out there. (I've done this from a winforms .net app and it was pretty simple)

  • I would appreciate it, if you could send me some examples or links to some examples on winforms .net applications.




  • http://www.codeproject.com/sqlrs/PDFUsingSQLRepServices.asp should help you get started

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