Split names into columns

  • I recently had to help someone out with a data migration issue. The legacy (source) system was storing all client forenames in a single column as space delimited data. The task was to select each of these forenames as an individual column. Obviously each person could have any number of forenames up to a maximum limit. But the number of forenames per person is unknown. Therefore they needed a function or procedure or some method of selecting a single row of data and splitting each source “forename” column into 6 forename columns (target). This was the solution I came up with, can anyone improve on this? Maybe a more elegant solution without the use of a UDF?

    (Copy paste the code below and run it in SSMS. It should work without any problems and will help you understand the problem a little better. The code creates a test table, inserts a few lines of test data, creates the function, then selects the data with and without the use of this function.)

    -- create test table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_Split_Function](

    [Surname] varchar(50) NULL,

    [Forename] varchar(500) NULL



    -- insert some test data

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]


    VALUES ('Bell','Alexander Graham')

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]


    VALUES ('Poe','Edgar Allen')

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]


    VALUES ('Jones','John Paul')

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]


    VALUES ('Plant','Robert')

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]


    VALUES ('Surname','Forename1 Forename2 Forename3 Forename4 Forename5')


    -- create the function

    CREATE FUNCTION [fnNameSplitter] (@Position VARCHAR(1),

    @FullNameList VARCHAR(500))




    DECLARE @NameList VARCHAR(200),

    @StartPos INT,

    @Length INT,

    @NamePos INT,

    @Delimiter VARCHAR(1),

    @Forename VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @TempNameList TABLE (

    NamePosition INT,

    Forename VARCHAR(50))

    SET @StartPos = 0

    SET @Length = 1

    SET @NameList = @FullNameList

    SET @Delimiter = ' '

    SET @NamePos = 0

    WHILE @Length > 0


    SET @NamePos = @NamePos + 1

    SET @Length = @Length + ( (SELECT charindex(@Delimiter, [Forename],


    + 1)

    FROM [Test_Split_Function]

    WHERE [Forename] = @NameList) - @Length


    IF @Length > 0


    INSERT @TempNameList


    substring(@NameList, @StartPos + 1,

    ( @Length - @StartPos )))

    SET @StartPos = @StartPos + ( @Length - @StartPos )


    IF @Length = 0


    INSERT INTO @TempNameList

    VALUES (@NamePos,

    substring(@NameList, @StartPos + 1,

    ( len(@NameList) - @StartPos )))



    SET @Forename = (SELECT Forename

    FROM @TempNameList

    WHERE NamePosition = @Position)

    RETURN @Forename



    -- test the function

    -- first select unsplit names

    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]

    -- now use function to split names

    SELECT Surname,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (1, [Forename]) as Forename1,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (2, [Forename]) as Forename2,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (3, [Forename]) as Forename3,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (4, [Forename]) as Forename4,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (5, [Forename]) as Forename5,

    dbo.[fnNameSplitter] (6, [Forename]) as Forename6

    -- add as many forename columns as necessary

    FROM [dbo].[Test_Split_Function]

  • Aha. There are similarities in this code for what I did as an article today. Using spaces to alter character case. In this situation, though, I'd advise looking at the responses to my article which are somewhat more elegant than what I did.

    The CTE solution is particularly good. No RBAR. You may need to make adjustments.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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