Split long string into 32K chunks

  • Hi,

    I need a function to split a long character column into 32K chunks.  The purpose is to read the data into another application (SAS) that has a 32K limit on character columns.

    I found this, which is really close:  https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/nasty-fast-n-grams-part-1-character-level-unigrams

    I just need to change this to 1) return as per below examples, and 2) work with varchar(max).

    Sample invocations:

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.NGrams8k('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',3)

    -- should return 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', etc.

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.sometable x
    CROSS APPLY dbo.NGrams8k(x.big_varchar_max_column,32767)

    -- should return 32K chunks of data
    -- bonus points if it splits on words (space),
    -- filling as much of 32K as possible,
    -- but that is optional.


  • I've worked out the math for the first part.  The optional part...I wouldn't have a clue.

    Here's the code:

    ALTER   FUNCTION [dbo].[NGrams8k]
    @string varchar(MAX), -- Input string <<<<<
    @N int -- requested token size
    A character-level N-Grams function that outputs a contiguous stream of @N-sized tokens
    based on an input string (@string). Accepts strings up to 8000 varchar characters long.
    For more information about N-Grams see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram.
    SQL Server 2008+, Azure SQL Database
    --===== Autonomous
    SELECT position, token FROM dbo.NGrams8k(@string,@N);
    --===== Against a table using APPLY
    SELECT s.SomeID, ng.position, ng.token
    FROM dbo.SomeTable s
    CROSS APPLY dbo.NGrams8K(s.SomeValue,@N) ng;
    @string = The input string to split into tokens.
    @N = The size of each token returned.
    Position = bigint; the position of the token in the input string
    token = varchar(8000); a @N-sized character-level N-Gram token
    Developer Notes:
    1. NGrams8k is not case sensitive
    2. Many functions that use NGrams8k will see a huge performance gain when the optimizer
    creates a parallel execution plan. One way to get a parallel query plan (if the
    optimizer does not choose one) is to use make_parallel by Adam Machanic which can be
    found here:
    3. When @N is less than 1 or greater than the datalength of the input string then no
    tokens (rows) are returned. If either @string or @N are NULL no rows are returned.
    This is a debatable topic but the thinking behind this decision is that: because you
    can't split 'xxx' into 4-grams, you can't split a NULL value into unigrams and you
    can't turn anything into NULL-grams, no rows should be returned.
    For people who would prefer that a NULL input forces the function to return a single
    NULL output you could add this code to the end of the function:
    WHERE NOT(@N > 0 AND @N <= DATALENGTH(@string)) OR (@N IS NULL OR @string IS NULL)
    4. NGrams8k can also be used as a Tally Table with the position column being your "N"
    row. To do so use REPLICATE to create an imaginary string, then use NGrams8k to split
    it into unigrams then only return the position column. NGrams8k will get you up to
    8000 numbers. There will be no performance penalty for sorting by position in
    ascending order but there is for sorting in descending order. To get the numbers in
    descending order without forcing a sort in the query plan use the following formula:
    N = <highest number>-position+1.
    Pseudo Tally Table Examples:
    --===== (1) Get the numbers 1 to 100 in ascending order:
    SELECT N = position
    FROM dbo.NGrams8k(REPLICATE(0,100),1);
    --===== (2) Get the numbers 1 to 100 in descending order:
    DECLARE @maxN int = 100;
    SELECT N = @maxN-position+1
    FROM dbo.NGrams8k(REPLICATE(0,@maxN),1)
    ORDER BY position;
    5. NGrams8k is deterministic. For more about deterministic functions see:
    Usage Examples:
    --===== Turn the string, 'abcd' into unigrams, bigrams and trigrams
    SELECT position, token FROM dbo.NGrams8k('abcd',1); -- unigrams (@N=1)
    SELECT position, token FROM dbo.NGrams8k('abcd',2); -- bigrams (@N=2)
    SELECT position, token FROM dbo.NGrams8k('abcd',3); -- trigrams (@N=3)
    --===== How many times the substring "AB" appears in each record
    DECLARE @table TABLE(stringID int identity primary key, string varchar(100));
    INSERT @table(string) VALUES ('AB123AB'),('123ABABAB'),('!AB!AB!'),('AB-AB-AB-AB-AB');
    SELECT string, occurances = COUNT(*)
    FROM @table t
    CROSS APPLY dbo.NGrams8k(t.string,2) ng
    WHERE ng.token = 'AB'
    GROUP BY string;
    Revision History:
    Rev 00 - 20140310 - Initial Development - Alan Burstein
    Rev 01 - 20150522 - Removed DQS N-Grams functionality, improved iTally logic. Also Added
    conversion to bigint in the TOP logic to remove implicit conversion
    to bigint - Alan Burstein
    Rev 03 - 20150909 - Added logic to only return values if @N is greater than 0 and less
    than the length of @string. Updated comment section. - Alan Burstein
    Rev 04 - 20151029 - Added ISNULL logic to the TOP clause for the @string and @N
    parameters to prevent a NULL string or NULL @N from causing "an
    improper value" being passed to the TOP clause. - Alan Burstein
    L1(N) AS
    SELECT 1
    FROM (VALUES -- 90 NULL values used to create the CTE Tally Table
    ) t(N)
    iTally(N) AS -- my cte Tally Table
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) -- Order by a constant to avoid a sort
    FROM L1 a CROSS JOIN L1 b CROSS JOIN L1 c -- cartesian product for 1000000 rows (100^3) <<<<<
    position = N, -- position of the token in the string(s)
    token = SUBSTRING(@string,CAST((N-1)*@N+1 AS int),@N) -- the @N-Sized token <<<<<
    FROM iTally
    WHERE @N > 0 AND (N-1)*@N+1 <= DATALENGTH(@string); -- Protection against bad parameter values <<<<<

    SELECT *
    INTO tmp.t1
    FROM dbo.NGrams8k(@s,32767)

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