Split data from one column into multiple colums

  • I see what you are after. The bottom line is that you could do the sub-totaling you are looking for, but it is not elegant or pretty. This is what front ends were designed to do. Get information from the user, submit a query to the backend, massage the results of the data returned by the query to be presented to the user.

    Here is a query that is still only "kind of " close. It requires a self join to get the counts. I also left the RowNum column in there for comparison.

    select d.doctorname, d.location, dg.name, dg.packsize,

    Count(dpd2.doctorref) Total_Drugs,

    ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by d.doctorname order by (select 0)) RowNum

    from Doctor_Prescribed_Drugs dpd

    left join Doctor d on dpd.doctorref = d.doctorref

    left join drugs dg on dpd.drugref = dg.drugref

    join Doctor_Prescribed_Drugs dpd2 on dpd2.doctorref = dpd.doctorref

    where d.Location in ('London', 'Manchester') and dg.PackSize is not null

    group by d.doctorname, d.location, dg.name, dg.PackSize

    order by d.doctorname, Total_Drugs

    If you really want SQL to do the running count and formatting, I would suggest you study the following article. It seems to be real close to what you are trying to accomplish:


    How to Post to get the most: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/

  • Thanks for the reply.

    That gives me something to work with; I would have never have considered doing a 'double' join on the same table.

    Thanks again, it's much appreciated.

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