Specifying GUID''s as SP Parameters

  • Tried searching on this. The site is still agonizingly slow for me. It took me 20 minutes to run the search and look at 2 result items.

    I have to write an SP to be used by a Crystal Report. The base query was provided by the vendor of the software package, I just took his query and where he had "insert criteria here" I coded a parameter (@srch). Problem is the table field against which he's comparing the parameter is a GUID field. I defined the parameter as "uniqueidentifier" and the SP built OK, but I have no idea how to run this in QA to test it. I tried @srch='GUID from table' and got back nothing. Is this the right way to specify GUID fields in parameters or should it be specified another way and translated in the SP before using it in the WHERE clause?

    Here's my SP:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Instant_Status


    @srch uniqueidentifier




     SELECT tSearch.[Description], SCompany.CompanyName as SCompanyName, tPeople.LastName, tPeople.FirstName,


      CurCompanyName = CASE WHEN tExperience.GUID = tPeople.CurrentExperienceGUID THEN ExpCompany.CompanyName ELSE NULL END,

      PriorCompanyName = CASE WHEN tExperience.GUID <> tPeople.CurrentExperienceGUID THEN ExpCompany.CompanyName ELSE NULL END,

      tExperience.StartDisplay, tExperience.EndDisplay, tPeopleEducation.Education, tPeopleEducation.GradYear,


     FROM tInstantStatus

      INNER JOIN tSearch ON tInstantStatus.SearchGUID = tSearch.GUID

      INNER JOIN tCompany SCompany ON tSearch.CompanyGUID = SCompany.GUID

      INNER JOIN tPeople ON tInstantStatus.PeopleGUID = tPeople.GUID

      LEFT JOIN tExperience ON tPeople.GUID = tExperience.PeopleGUID

      LEFT JOIN tCompany ExpCompany ON tExperience.CompanyGUID = ExpCompany.GUID

      LEFT JOIN tPeopleEducation ON tPeople.GUID = tPeopleEducation.PeopleGUID

     WHERE tInstantStatus.SearchGUID = @srch



  • Check your data, check datatypes, etc.

    You definitely do something wrong.

    I tested this on real table:

    CREATE PROC dbo.test_Address @RowId uniqueidentifier


    select * from address where rowguid = @rowid


    declare @RowId uniqueidentifier

    select @Rowid = rowguid from address where id = 2

    select @rowid

    exec dbo.test_Address @RowId

    drop proc dbo.test_Address

    I've got both returns right.

    Find out what you are doing wrong.

    Regading performance. Do you have indexes on all GUID columns used in the query?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks Sergiy,

    I guess I could use your technique to pull the GUID of a row from a table and execute my SP. I was hoping someone would chime in on how to just manually code a GUID in QA.

    Performance isn't really and issue and I'm not touching the schema anyway since this is a vendor package and any changes I make I have to maintain through their quarterly updates.


  • If I understand you correctly you are just looking for a way to manually craft a guid in QA? If so, you just write it as a string and set it to a uniqueidentifier variable (or parameter). Here is an example:

    USE tempdb




    INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('57B3BB87-440E-45A0-B4CA-3DCBC3CDD420')

    INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('2DFFCCB5-6F41-4BBE-9700-1CDA5D4D1DBC')


    SET @theguid = '57B3BB87-440E-45A0-B4CA-3DCBC3CDD420'

    SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = @theguid

    DROP TABLE foo

  • I was entering the string as you did above with my SP:

    Exec dbo.Instant_Status 'BF33FA65-D558-43F5-BE47-0F0D20AB0028'

    but I was getting no return. I went back and found I'd copied the GUID from the wrong field. When I used the correct field the SP worked.



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