
  • Hi

    when I am using @query_no_truncate=1 in sp_send_dbmail

    I am not getting query header in the attached files.

    As per msdn, if we use @query_no_truncate=1 then, column headers will not be displayed.

    But I dont want query to be truncated and at the same time I want column headers in the attached file.

    What is the work around for this ?

    Your help is appreciated

    Thanks in advance

  • You would need to use a UNION ALL to generate a row containing your column headers, like this:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = 'OPC@DOMAIN.COM',

    @subject = N'test',

    @body = N'test',

    @query = N'SET NOCOUNT ON;

    SELECT x.Name

    FROM (

    SELECT ''Name'' AS name,

    1 AS OrderColumn


    SELECT ''-----------------------------'' AS name,

    2 AS OrderColumn


    SELECT name,

    3 AS OrderColumn

    FROM sys.tables

    ) x

    ORDER BY x.OrderColumn',

    @execute_query_database = 'master',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = 1,

    @query_result_width = 500,

    @query_no_truncate = 1;

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