

    I am trying to rename a database by using sp_renamedb 'oldname', 'newname'

    It keeps me giving me error messages .

    1. The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation.

    Please let me know how to get around it.

    I tried changing setting to DBO use only in sp_dboption..

    thats doesnt work either..

    please help,,what to do?/



    Tajammal Butt

  • The database is in use which is why you can't rename it.  The following statement will kill all users from the database (rolling back all transactions) and put the database into single user mode to prevent further access.

    alter database yourdbname

    set single_user

    with rollback after 1 second

    You should then be able to rename the database.

    To put it back into multi user mode run this:

    alter database yourdbname

    set multi_user

  • You can also simply stop your SQL Server and then restart it (If you can afford that) !

    Then execute your sp_renamedb from the MASTER database in query analyzer.

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