
  • Hello,

    im with a problem in this code,

    if i have any table like [dbo].['xxx'] it gives me the following error

    Msg 102, Sev 15, State 1, Line 1 : Incorrect syntax near 'xxx'. [SQLSTATE 42000]

    for the rest of tables without '' in the table name works ok

    what can i do ?

    thanks for your attention guys ๐Ÿ™‚


    set @message = convert(varchar(200), getdate(), 113) + ' ' + @dbname

    RAISERROR (@message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT

    declare @sql varchar(4000)

    declare @sql2 varchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'use [' + @dbname + ']; exec sp_msforeachtable ''declare @message_msforeach varchar(400); set @message_msforeach = convert(varchar(200), getdate(), 113) + '''' Updating Statistics [' + @dbname + '].?''''; raiserror(@message_msforeach, 0, 1) with nowait; update statistics [' + @dbname + '].? with fullscan;'';'

    exec (@sql)

  • Best advice: change the name of the table to not have single quotes in it.

    2nd best advice: don't use sp_msforeachtable. Write your own code to loop through the tables.

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  • Thanks for the answer Robert.

    About the 1ยบst advice, im not allowed to change it :/

    2ยบnd advice, yeah ๐Ÿ˜‰

    but tell me, using the current syntax, theres any expression or anything i can do, without redefine whole code ?

  • I tried several ways to try to escape the embedded single quotes and the call to sp_msforeachtable errors out before those attempts can be made. Writing your own looping mechanism will allow you to escape it. Also, you need to account for the schema as well in the object name.

    Something like this works:

    Declare @TBName sysname,

    @MaxID int,

    @CurrID int,

    @dbname sysname,

    @SQL nvarchar(500);

    Declare @Tables Table (TBID int identity(1, 1) not null primary key,

    TBName sysname not null)

    Set @dbname = DB_NAME();

    Insert Into @Tables

    Select name

    From sys.tables;

    Select @MaxID = MAX(TBID),

    @CurrID = 1

    From @Tables;

    While @CurrID <= @MaxID


    Select @TBName = TBName

    From @Tables

    Where TBID = @CurrID;

    Set @SQL = N'use [' + @dbname + '];

    declare @message_msforeach varchar(400);

    set @message_msforeach = convert(varchar(200), getdate(), 113) + '' Updating Statistics [' + @dbname + ']..[' + Replace(@TBName, '''', '''''') + ']'';

    raiserror(@message_msforeach, 0, 1) with nowait;

    update statistics [' + @dbname + ']..[' + @TBName + '] with fullscan;';

    --Print @SQL

    Exec sp_executesql @SQL;

    Set @CurrID = @CurrID + 1;


    My blog: SQL Soldier[/url]
    SQL Server Best Practices:
    SQL Server Best Practices
    Twitter: @SQLSoldier
    My book: Pro SQL Server 2008 Mirroring[/url]
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, Data Platform MVP
    Database Engineer at BlueMountain Capital Management[/url]

  • Robert THANKS ๐Ÿ™‚

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