
  • any one knows what is worng with this statement

    DECLARE @cursor INT,@rows INT

    EXEC sp_cursoropen @cursor OUTPUT,N'SELECT * FROM sys.objects where objectid>@y',8193, 8193,

    @rows OUTPUT,N'@y int',12

    am getting the following error:

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1

    Must declare the scalar variable "@y".

    Msg 16909, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_cursorclose, Line 1



  • Based on the error message, you have not declared the variable/parameter @y correctly. Are you directly calling this stored procedure? According to BOL:

    These system stored procedures will show up in SQL Profiler traces of ADO, OLE DB,, ODBC, and DB-Library applications that are using API server cursors. They are intended only for the internal use of the SQL Server Provider for OLE DB, the SQL Server ODBC driver, and the DB-Library DLL. The full functionality of these procedures is available to the applications through the use of the cursor functionality of the database APIs. Specifying the procedures directly in an application is not supported.

  • am executing this statement from the management studio.



  • do u know a way to save the trace results to a table just like the profiler dose..(on line)



  • If you start a server side trace to a file you can use ::fn_trace_gettable([path], [# of files]) to return the data in tabular format and insert them into a table. You can do this while the trace is writing to the file as well. If you return the EVentSequence column in the trace you could use that in a join in order to only insert new data.

  • but if i need the trace data to be online in a table i couldnt use this way rigth..

    thats so i need to find who SQL profiler dose it..



  • Can you please explain what you are trying to do, then someone may be able to help you. Right now all I know is that you were trying to use a stored procedure that is designed for internal use by SQL Server to return all the rows in sysobjects where the object_id > a variable. Then you asked about how to save trace data to a table while the trace is running.

    There is not a way to save server-side trace data to a table while the trace is running, other than the method I already shared. You just need to create the destination table then you can create a query that inserts the data from the trace file into the table. You can put the query in a job and then have a minimal delay which you can define. The query would have to be something like this:

    Insert Into trace_data

    -- you may want to provide the column list here


    GT.* -- you may actually want to list columns


    -- [# of files should be the max # of files as defined in the trace

    ::fn_trace_gettable([file path], [# of files] GT Left Join

    trace_data TD ON

    GT.EventSequence = TD.EventSequence And

    GT.StartTime = TD.StartTime -- you need this for reboots


    TD.EventSequence Is Null

    If you are interested in using the Rowset provider (like Profiler does) you could use the SMO library in .NET to write your own Profiler-Type Client that runs a a windows service and writes the events to the table, but this will have a bigger performance impact than a server side trace.

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