Source returns no tables

  • I'm attempting to set up a connection to a Postgres database, but I'm having some difficulty. I've created the ODBC datasource using the official odbc drivers and the connection tests are always successful. I have created the connection manager in SSIS, and it's connection tests are also successful, but when I create an ODBC source and attempt to retrieve the list of tables/views there is none listed. I'm specifying the correct database and user, but there are four schemas within the database and I'm wondering if this has something to do with it. The user is the owner of the schema that contains the tables, though, so I'm not sure where else to look. I'm new to Postgres (this db is owned by a third party but I can modify it so long as I don't break anything), so I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Any suggestions?

  • To clarify, I use a query that specifies the schema to be used and this will return results, but I still can't get a list of tables. Does this indicate a permissions problem in the Postgres db?

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