source control for stored procedures

  • what are some ways to do this?

  • There is probably a better way, easier to do source control, but...

    I just use Visual Source Safe. I put the stored procedure code into files and then add those files to VSS. When a change is needed, I check the files out to my working directory and make the change. I delete the existing version of the stored procedure in the database and use the file to re-create the stored procedure with the changes. I can always rollback or undo check out if I screw up.

  • We have found Visual Studio .NET a great way to do SQL coding. SourceSafe is built-in to .NET and it is also a great debugging tool.

    Micahel A. Floyd

    Project Manager

    American Healthways, Inc.

    3841 Green Hills Village Drive

    Suite 300

    Nashville, TN 37135

  • I agree VSS is now more intergrated with SQL server making it easier than ever to keep version control. There is another product that I believe ships with Rational Suite called Clear Case. This will also allow you to keep version control. Good luck and kudos for taking a much needed step.



  • Before my dba/webdev days I was a "Configuration Manager" at That title didn't do to well in 2K, let me tell you.

    Bob: What exactly is it that you do here?

    Calvin: Can you see? I take the source code from the developers and deliver it to QA. Then I take the source code and deliver it to the Webmaster.

    Bob: So, you don't actually develop this "source code".


    Bob: And you don't actually QA it?

    Calvin: Well...not really....I mean, as long as I can deploy without errors...

    Ad infinitum.

    But I'm still convinced source code control is EXTREMELY important. Question 1: "Why doesn't Microsoft have an advanced SCC program?". Answer: "They never developed one". Question 2: Why are Microsoft products so buggy? Answer: Same as Question 1.

    That said, Clearcase is by far the best program I've used for this. You need to learn some Pearl (!), but it's worth it if you're handling code for a large product. For the user side it's practically invisible; ties directly in to Windows Explorer. Best bet by far...

    Signature is NULL

  • quote:

    We have found Visual Studio .NET a great way to do SQL coding. SourceSafe is built-in to .NET and it is also a great debugging tool.

    Can you describe how is working with VS.NET better than Query Analyzer. I have noticed a nice feature in VS editor where you can click on [-] or [+] to hide/show a block of code. It would be a tremendous help if someone knows how to edit SQL code in a way that has custom blocks of code that show only a comment when hidden (I hope you get the point). That would make reading long SPs a fun work.

    Best regards, Jani

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