Snack Attack

  • "Death Rain Habanero kettle-style chips"...?  Everything about that name sounds like they rock.

  • well in the morning i have a breakfast bar or pop-tarts around 10ish and drink water.

    afternoons it's usually more water and something with chocolate.


    all during december it was cookies and fudge non-stop all day.  There's a nice old lady that works the front desk and she bakes up a storm durring the hollidays   she would bring up several dozen types every monday that we back in IT would foraged on rest of the week.

  • Definitely ice cold apple juice in the mornings.  Not much in the afternoon, though for comfort food in the afternoons, I generally go for white cheddar popcorn! 



  • Always a Dt. Mountain Dew.  I always have one at my desk.

    Then something with chocolate and peanuts or peanut butter.  Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are the best.  Steve, I am with you too, a blizzard with peanut butter cups in it is a great break in the day.

  • I love having the Cheddar flavored pretzels and like Newbie I enjoy a Diet Mt. Dew.  A nice rush of caffeine.

    If I have lost all focus than something with chocolate for a quick rush.

  • Used to be, for me, it was the Dew.  Highest caffine, next to Jolt, of any soft drink in the US.  Then they did the "Turned Up Taste" and it turned me off.  I was doing two 2-litre (yes I know how to spell it) bottles a day - 5 days a week.

    Now I'm into Diet Pepsi.  At a former employer we had some interesting customers.  One made the 2-litre bottles and caps, one printed the labels that go on the bottles, and one put the drink into the bottles.  Everybody but the folks whos name was on the bottle.

    That's what I like about our industry.  In order to do proper data collection and process monitoring you have to go out and learn every job.  Pay no attention to the IT folks in the glass roomsor the VP's in the board room.  Get your butt out on the shipping/receiving docks, down on the factory floor, and into the warehouse.

    Currently lots of our customers are in the food industries.  Salty snaks in the US are largely regional.  Practically no one outside the Kansas City area has ever heard of Guys Foods.  There must be a few hundred manufacturers of patato chips alone.

    I LOVE THEM ALL!  Potential customers give samples!  Long time customers send rewards for you helping the bottom line.  You can get fat in more ways than one.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Sushi... definitely sushi... there's a couple good sushi places near my job, and a few grocery stores that sell sushi.  I'm addicted... but if I have the choice, I'd far rather have some sushi then a candy bar, or chips... tastes better, just as portable, and far better for you.

    ok... now everyone can go ew in unison...

  • When I'm good, an Odwalla Superfood snack bar or a Satsuma orange.

    When I'm bad, a "Big Size" Hershey's with Almonds...

  • Definitely one of the finest of all snacks.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • Peanut M&Ms with, don't laugh, a nice mug of green tea. YUM!


  • A steady dosage of caffeine!!! I get espresso at the drive-thru in the morning and then supplement that throughout the day with the single cup coffee maker on my desk. Sometimes in the winter, I'll replace the coffee with hot chocolate. I'm not picky when it comes to hot chocolate, and I opt for convenience (instant powdered, prefereably with those tiny marshmallows) over elegance.

    During the summer, I crave fresh peaches though it's hard to snack on those and type at the same time.

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  • En Colombia hay varios, muy conocidos en Colombia y parte de Latinoamérica.

    1. Chocorramo (torta cubierta de chocolate)

    2. Todo Rico (Mezcla de papas fritas, plátanos, chicharrones (piel de cerdo frita))

    3. Galletas Festival

    4. Chocolatinas Jet (Chocolates Surtidos)

    Existen otras comidas como buñuelos, empanadas, torta de queso, pastel de pollo, pastel gloria, pastel de yuca, pandebonos.

    Generalmente se acompañan con "café en leche", kumis, yogurt.

    Personalmente mi combinación favorita es Chocorramo con kumis y un "tinto" (coffee).


  • Steve,

    What's a Dairy Queen? A cow with royal blood or some other type of "queen" that is personally involved with dairy products?

    A Blizzard? Had one of those last week. Really messed up driving to the local Arctic Roadrunner to get a mooseburger and some Muktuk to go! Sometimes I just get an order of Agutak instead. 



  • COFFEE! I just got a single-serve machine and it's cool all the varieties you can try without blowin a whole pot. Plus my office-mates think flavored coffee is super-gay and they won't play. So I get to keep the good stuff to myself

    On my desk right now: Hot Tamales, 3 Musketeers, Choxie Truffles, a fortune cookie, M&Ms, and Tums

    I still crave cookie-dough Blizzards but I discovered I'm lactose intolerant so I guess I'll be cravin that for a long time.

  • The cotton candy blizzards they had for a short while a couple summers ago... the only blizzard worth having....

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