Slow SQL on PC

  • I've been developing with SQL 2000 on my machine, using Query Analyzer. Just lately I've noticed horrible delays running even the simplest commands, e.g. "INSERT into USERS (name,pwd) VALUES('bob','mypwd'). The ODBC world icon just turns madly while this is processed. When I first start the speed is better. I check the manager for processes--InterDev is a memory hog--and shut everything else down but it's still slow.

    I'm wondering if there's a connection nuance that I've missed in installation, or a memory leak problem. Any help would be appreciated as the delay is a work stopper at the moment.



  • are you running any other process or job, like backups or creating indexes?

    Wich service pack?

  • Check through windows TaskManager for a excessive disk IO, had it last week on a under resource machine. Set SQL max memory to Total - about 100MB for Windows.

  • Thanks for the posts. I think IIS (local) is not marshalling ADO connection objects efficiently tying up things. This didn't occur until I started running IIS at the same time.

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